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Reflection & Refraction

Reflection & Refraction Light Lesson - Elementary Science Lessons & Worksheets - My Schoolhouse

Reflection occurs when light bounces off objects.  How much reflection depends upon how even the surface is.  If the surface is rough, the light scatters.  If the surface is smooth and flat, the light will bounce off it at equal angles.  That is why a flat mirror reflects a good likeness of the object being reflected.

Look at the diagrams below.  Notice the angles at which the rays of light strike the surfaces.

Light Reflection

Refraction occurs because light bends.  A lens is a piece of transparent material.  It is usually made of glass and has at least one curved surface. Look at the convex and concave lenses below.

Convex & Concave Lenses

The curved surface/surfaces of a lens bends the light.  Notice the paths of light of the convex and concave lenses shown below.

Convex Lens      Concave Lens


Directions: Answer the questions about reflection and refraction.

occurs when light bounces off an object.

occurs when light is bent.

When light strikes a surface that is rough, the light will  .

When light strikes a surface that is smooth, the light will bounce off at equal .

What type of material is a lens?





The path of light through a concave lens is

not directed to a single focal point

directed to a single focal point


The path of light through a convex lens is

not directed to a single focal point

directed to a single focal point









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