Spelling List 5-27
5-27 Spelling List
11. |
salmon |
large food and game fishes that are
related to the trout, have reddish or pinkish, flesh, live in oceans
or large lakes, and swim up rivers to lay eggs. |
12. |
palm |
1. the inside of the hand between the wrist and the
fingers. 2. a tree that grows in warm places. A palm has a tall trunk
and a bunch of large leaves at the top. |
13. |
knot |
1. strings or ropes twisted together so they will not
pull apart. 2. tie or fasten in a knot. |
14. |
adjust |
1. change to make fit. 2. put in proper
order, position or relation; arrange. 3. arrange satisfactorily; |
15. |
gnaw |
1. bite at and wear away: to gnaw a bone. 2. make by biting: A rat can gnaw a hole through wood. 3. trouble;
harass; torment. |
16. |
witch |
in stories, a woman said to have magic power. |
17. |
gnome |
(in folklore) a dwarf supposed to live in the earth and guard
treasures of precious metals and stones. |
18. |
halfway |
one half of the distance or the amount: She walked
halfway home with me. |
19. |
gnat |
any of various small, two-winged flies. Most gnats suck
blood and give bites that itch. |
20. |
sighed |
1. let out a very long, deep breath because one is
tired, relieved, etc. 2. act or sound of sighing. |
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