Spelling List 5-27

5-27 Spelling List


11. salmon large food and game fishes that are related to the trout, have reddish or pinkish, flesh, live in oceans or large lakes, and swim up rivers to lay eggs.
12. palm 1.  the inside of the hand between the wrist and the fingers.  2.  a tree that grows in warm places.  A palm has a tall trunk and a bunch of large leaves at the top.
13. knot 1.  strings or ropes twisted together so they will not pull apart.  2.  tie or fasten in a knot.
14. adjust 1.  change to make fit.  2. put in proper order, position or relation; arrange.  3. arrange satisfactorily;
15. gnaw 1.  bite at and wear away:  to gnaw a bone.  2.  make by biting:  A rat can gnaw a hole through wood.  3.  trouble; harass; torment.
16. witch in stories, a woman said to have magic power.
17. gnome (in folklore) a dwarf supposed to live in the earth and guard treasures of precious metals and stones.
18. halfway one half of the distance or the amount:  She walked halfway home with me.
19. gnat any of various small, two-winged flies.  Most gnats suck blood and give bites that itch.
20. sighed 1.  let out a very long, deep breath because one is tired, relieved, etc.  2.  act or sound of sighing.