Spelling List 5-18
5-18 Spelling List
11. |
coins |
pieces of metal used as money, such as pennies, nickels,
dimes, or quarters. |
12. |
avoid |
keep away from; keep out of the way of: We avoided
driving through large cities on our trip. |
13. |
destroy |
1. break to pieces; spoil; make no good: The car
was destroyed when the tree fell on it. 2. kill: the fire destroyed the
trees and plants. |
14. |
poise |
1. mental balance, composure, or self-possession:
He has perfect poise and never seems embarrassed. 2. the way in which the
body, head, etc., are held. 3. balance: Poise yourself on your toes. |
15. |
moist |
slightly wet; damp. |
16. |
royal |
1. of kings and queens: the royal family. 2. belonging to a king or queen: royal power, a royal palace. 3. from or
by a king or queen: a royal command. 4. of a kingdom: a royal army
or navy. |
17. |
noisily |
in a noisy manner. |
18. |
coil |
1. wind around and around in a circular or spiral shape: The snake coiled around a branch. 2. anything that is coiled: a
coil of pipes. 3. wire wound round and round into a spiral for carrying
electric current. |
19. |
employ |
1. give work and pay to: That big factory employs
many workers. 2. service for pay; employment: there are many workers in
the employ of that big factory. 3. use: You employ a knife, fork, and
spoon in eating. |
20. |
enjoyment |
1. pleasure; joy; delight. 2. having as an
advantage or benefit; possession or use: the enjoyment of good health. Laws
protect the enjoyment of our rights. |
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