Spelling List 5-18

5-18 Spelling List


11. coins pieces of metal used as money, such as  pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters.
12. avoid keep away from; keep out of the way of:  We avoided driving through large cities on our trip.
13. destroy 1.  break to pieces; spoil; make no good:  The car was destroyed when the tree fell on it.  2.  kill:  the fire destroyed the trees and plants.
14. poise 1.  mental balance, composure, or self-possession: He has perfect poise and never seems embarrassed.  2.  the way in which the body, head, etc., are held.  3.  balance:  Poise yourself on your toes.
15. moist slightly wet; damp.
16. royal 1.  of kings and queens: the royal family.  2.  belonging to a king or queen: royal power, a royal palace.  3.  from or by a king or queen:  a royal command.  4.  of a kingdom:  a royal army or navy.
17. noisily in a noisy manner.
18. coil 1.  wind around and around in a circular or spiral shape: The snake coiled around a branch.  2.  anything that is coiled:  a coil of pipes.  3.  wire wound round and round into a spiral for carrying electric current. 
19. employ 1.  give work and pay to:  That big factory employs many workers.  2.  service for pay; employment:  there are many workers in the employ of that big factory.  3.  use:  You employ a knife, fork, and spoon in eating.
20. enjoyment 1.  pleasure; joy; delight.  2.  having as an advantage or benefit; possession or use:  the enjoyment of good health.  Laws protect the enjoyment of our rights.