Spelling List 3-31
3-31 Spelling List
11. |
thought |
what someone thinks; thinking about something;
She had a sudden thought. Give this problem a lot of thought. |
12. |
call |
1. speak loudly; cry; shout: He called
for help. 2. a shout: Did you hear a call for help? 3. the
cry an animal or bird makes. 4. give a name: I call my dog King.
5. telephone to: Call me when you get home. |
13. |
lawn |
a piece of land covered with grass. |
14. |
bought |
get by paying some money: She bought a new
coat for herself. |
15. |
saucepan |
a container for cooking |
16. |
law |
1. a rule for all the people: Everyone
must obey the law. 2. the study of such rules: Did he study law? |
17. |
crawl |
1. move slowly, pulling the body along:
We watched a caterpillar crawl along the leaf. 2. move slowly on hands
and knees: The boy crawled through the tall grass. |
18. |
sausage |
meat that has been chopped, seasoned, and usually
stuffed into a thin case: Sausages taste good with pancakes. |
19. |
loss |
the act of losing something: The loss of his
pencil made him angry. |
20. |
fought |
1. a quarrel. 2. take part in a
struggle or fight: The two boys fought over the candy. |
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