Spelling List 3-31

3-31 Spelling List


11. thought what someone thinks; thinking about something;   She had a sudden thought.  Give this problem a lot of thought.
12. call 1.  speak loudly; cry; shout:  He called for help.  2.  a shout:  Did you hear a call for help?  3.  the cry an animal or bird makes.  4. give a name:  I call my dog King.   5.  telephone to:  Call me when you get home.
13. lawn a piece of land covered with grass.
14. bought get by paying some money:  She bought a new coat for herself.
15. saucepan a container for cooking
16. law 1.  a rule for all the people:  Everyone must obey the law. 2.  the study of such rules:  Did he study law?
17. crawl 1. move slowly, pulling the body along: We watched a caterpillar crawl along the leaf.  2.  move slowly on hands and knees:  The boy crawled through the tall grass.
18. sausage meat that has been chopped, seasoned, and usually stuffed into a thin case:  Sausages taste good with pancakes.
19. loss the act of losing something:  The loss of his pencil made him angry.
20. fought 1.  a quarrel.  2.  take part in a struggle or fight:  The two boys fought over the candy.