Sayings are statements that describe our culture.
For example, "Seeing is believing" means you may not believe
something until you actually see it. This is also called an idiom.
An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood by the literal meaning
of the words, as in "Rule of thumb." We know the thumb does not
rule, but we know this idiom to mean, a rough estimate from past
Match the saying with the true meaning below.
A. Wolf in sheep's
B. Give the devil his
C. Tenderfoot.
D. Nose out of joint.
E. Rule of thumb.
F. Pot calling the
kettle black.
G. To bite the dust.
H. Strike while the iron
is hot.
I. Eat humble pie.
J. There's more than one
way to skin a cat.
K. R.I.P.
L. Catch as catch can.
M. A stitch in time
saves nine.
N. Rome wasn't built in a
General principle, or rough estimate
from experience.
To admit your mistakes in an
unpleasant situation.
Even if you don't like someone you
can still give him or her credit for his or her good points.
Rest In Peace.
It takes a long time to achieve great
Someone that is annoyed.
By taking a little time early, one
can save a lot of time later.
When someone is defeated.
Someone that appears friendly and
harmless but who is really dangerous or untrustworthy.
One can make due with what one has
available now.
To do something while circumstances
are in your favor.
Criticizing someone for having a
fault that you have yourself.
There are many ways to accomplish
something, if it doesn't work one way, try another.
Someone who hasn't had much
experience at something.