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Using Verbs

Verb Lesson - Identifying Verbs Lesson - Elementary Language Arts Lessons & Tests - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning

Identify the verbs in the sentences.  Sing, jump, laugh, talk, and drive are all verbs.  Verbs are words that show everything people or things do.  Verbs describe actions.

Read the story below and find the verbs.

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere...

This is the story of Paul Revere.  Paul Revere rode during the night to tell people the British are marching!  He looked to the church to see one, if by land, and two, if by sea.  Paul rode through the night to spread the word.  He woke the people in every Middlesex town.  The people were awoken to hear the message of Paul Revere.  The British are coming!  The British are coming!  Paul became an American hero!  And now you know of the ride of Paul Revere!

Click the buttons by the words that are verbs in the story above.

Paul Revere is
rode night
people tell
marching He
church looked
Listen ride
the spread
every woke
awoken message
coming to
hero became
know now