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Determining Direction with a Map

Map Skills Worksheet - Elementary Science Lessons & Tests - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning

Map skills locate places and determine direction on a map.  Use your map skills to complete this lesson.

Map Skills

Study the map above and answer the questions below.


1. On what side of the street is Ma's Diner located?

2. What street runs east and west?

3. What side of the lake is the Park on? side.

4. The camping is on the side of the lake. 

5. Whose house is on the east side of Oak Street?

6. What is the name of the lake? Lake.

7. What side of the lake has a flag on it? side.

8. In what direction is the car traveling?

9. What street runs north and south? Street.

10. Is the diner north or south of the lake?








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