The Food Pyramid consists of six food groups. The food groups are
Grain, Vegetables, Fruits, Oils, Milk, and Meats. The food groups
are as follows:
Grain Group
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another
cereal grain is a grain product. Oatmeal, cereals, tortillas, grits,
bread, and pasta are considered grain products. There are two types
of grain products; whole grain and refined grains. Whole grains
contain the entire grain kernel - the bran, germ, and endosperm.
Refined grains have been milled. This process removes the bran and
germ. The milling process gives the grain a finer texture and improves the
shelf life of the product made from refined grain. The refining process
also removes the dietary fiber, iron, and vitamin B. Most refined grains are enriched, meaning thiamin, riboflavin, folic
acid, and iron are added back into the product.
Vegetable Group
Any vegetable or vegetable juice is considered a member of the
vegetable group. Vegetables are organized into five subgroups; Dark
Green Vegetables, Orange Vegetables, Dried Beans and Peas, Starchy
Vegetables, and Other Vegetables.
Fruit Group
Any fruit or fruit juice is considered part of the fruit group.
Some fruits include apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, pears,
bananas, lemons, limes, and prunes.
Oil Group
Oils are fats that are a liquid at room temperature. Oils come
from plants and animals. Some oils include canola oil, corn oil,
olive oil, butter, and shortening.
Milk Group
Most products and foods made from milk are considered part of the milk
group. A food made from milk that retains the calcium content is
part of the milk group. Since butter, cream cheese, and cream
contain little or no calcium, they are not a part of the milk group.
The Milk Group includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
Meat Group
Foods from meat, poultry, fish, dried beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and
other seeds are in the meat group. Dried beans and peas are also
considered a part of the vegetable group.
1. The Food Pyramid has
food groups.
2. There are two types of grain products;
grain and refined grains.
3. Dried beans are considered a part of the
Milk Group
Grain Group
Vegetable Group
None of the above.
4. Seeds are considered a part of the
Grain Group
Vegetable Group
Oil Group
Meat Group
5. Oils come from plants and
6. Since butter comes from milk, it is part of the Milk Group.
7. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel - the
germ, and endosperm.
8. Foods from poultry, fish, dried beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and
other seeds are in the meat group.
9. The refining of grain removes the bran and germ.
10. Many beans and peas are considered a part of the Fruit Group and the
Vegetable Group.