Basic division facts will help you solve any division
problem. You can use the multiplication facts you already know. They will help
you find the quotient of each division fact.
6 X 2 = 12
12 -:- 2 = 6
5 X 3 = 15
15 -:- 5 = 3
Rules for dividing by 0.
Rule 1.
0 divided by any number (except 0) equals 0.
0 -:- 3 = 0
0 -:- 9 = 0
0 -:- 5 = 0
Rule 2.
You cannot divide by 0.
Example: 3 -:- 0 is impossible to do.
Rules for dividing by 1.
Rule 1.
Any number (except 0) when divided by itself equals 1.
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