Ways to Become Green - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning
Are you ready to go
Many Americans are becoming
So what does being
GREEN actually mean?
Well, it means you are becoming friendly with the environment. It
means you care about your environment and what you do in your daily
activities that affects the environment.
So, if you're not already
how do you become GREEN?
Here are some tips on how to become
1. Take a bag with
you to the store. All those plastic grocery bags costs energy to make
and if they are not used again, they end up in our landfills.
2. Recycle all your
plastics. Plastics use energy to make and do not breakdown quickly
in a landfill. Recycle those plastics so they may live again.
3. Drink from a glass
or mug. All that paper that you use to drink soda or coffee cost
energy to make and again often ends up in landfills.
4. Turn down the
water heater in your home just a few degrees and save energy.
Turning down the water heater just 10 degrees can save TONS of energy.
5. Switch out the
incandescent bulbs in your house for fluorescent bulbs. This may
save over 50 dollars per year and save energy.
6. Lower your heating
thermostat by a degree or two in the winter and raise it in the summer.
This will save energy for everyone.
7. Drive slower and
start slower. Racing off and quick stops wastes gasoline. A
heavy foot can cost a driver in gasoline. (And brake pads.)
8. Replace older
appliances with new energy-efficient models. Making electricity uses
a lot of energy.
9. Unplug items that
use electricity when they are not being used. Many of the chargers
used today consume energy when they are not charging anything.
10. Dry some of your
clothes outside instead of using the dryer. Let the warm air dry
your clothes instead of fossil fuels.
1. Becoming GREEN means
becoming friendly with Hermit.
becoming friendly with your environment.
becoming friendly with energy.
2. Daily activities affect your
3. Turning down the water heater in
your home saves energy.
4. Reusing plastic bags can save
5. Chargers plugged in the wall, and
not in use, do not use electricity.
6. Changing to incandescent bulbs can
save energy.
7. New appliances use less energy
than older appliances.