My SchoolhouseNumbers

Nouns & Verbs

Noun & Verb Worksheet - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning

Sentences contain a noun and a verb.  You put a noun and a verb together to make a sentence.  For instance, the noun "Dogs" and the verb "jump" can form the sentence "Dogs  jump."

Look at the sentences below and write the noun and verb for each sentence.

Cows moo.

Noun       Verb

John walks.

Noun       Verb

The teachers talk.

Noun       Verb

All pigs oink.

Noun       Verb

Spiders spin quickly.

Noun       Verb

Stars shine bright.

Noun       Verb

The child runs a lot.

Noun       Verb

The cat sleeps too much.

Noun       Verb

The water runs fast.

Noun       Verb

Our dog barks often.

Noun       Verb



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