My SchoolhouseNumbers

Personal Pronouns

Lesson About Personal Pronouns - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning


Personal pronouns replace a name of a person in a sentence.

When Babe Ruth swung his bat, he hit the ball so hard with his bat that people often thought he would hit a home run.

If we put Babe Ruth in place of all the bold pronouns above the sentence would read as follows:

When Babe Ruth swung Babe Ruth's bat, Babe Ruth hit the ball so hard with Babe Ruth's bat that people often thought Babe Ruth would hit a home run.

Pronouns make the sentence shorter and easier to read and say.

Put the subject that the personal pronoun replaces in the parentheses in the sentence below.  For example:

Lynn loves her (Lynn) new golf clubs.  The personal pronoun her replaces Lynn.


Jaime played tennis every weekend she () had a weekend free.

When the week was over, John was so exhausted, he
) slept for hours.

My mom is great!  She () loves me so much!

Mary loves to fish so much that she () goes to Canada every summer.

When Robin Yount played for the Milwaukee Brewers,
he (
) was considered such a valuable hitter that the manager had him () bat at the top of the order.

Jeri!  If you () think Tad will do that, you
) are wrong!

The day Roberta went to the carnival, she () won a stuffed animal that made her () so happy.

When Allison rode her ()bike, she () always asked people to ride with her. ()

Ingrid was so happy, she () took her () family to Disneyland.