My SchoolhouseNumbers

A Very Bad Cold

A Very Bad Cold - Lessons & Worksheets on Colds - My Schoolhouse - Online Learning


A Very Bad Cold

Alli has a very bad cold today.

Her nose is red.

She coughs and coughs.

"I will take you to the doctor," her dad says.

The doctor looks in her eyes.

Then the doctor looks into her ears.

The doctor said, "Open your mouth."

Alli coughs and coughs.

"You have a very bad cold," says the doctor.


"I will give you a shot," he says.

"Alli must go home and rest," the doctor tells Alli's dad.

Alli rests and rests.

She begins to feel a little better.

She stops coughing.

"My very bad cold is gone," says Alli. 

"Now we can go outside and play," says Alli.

"No," says her dad. "Now I have a very bad cold!"


Answer the questions below


1. The name of the girl in this story is .


2. She has a very bad


3. Her takes her to the doctor.


4. First the doctor looks in Alli's


5. Then the doctor looks in Alli's and mouth.


6. The doctor gives Alli a .


7. The doctor says, "You must go home and ."

8. At the end of the story Alli's dad has a cold.














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