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Rubric for Research Paper

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Title of Research Paper: ______________________________________________________


Performance Element
10 Points
8 Points
6 Points
2 Points


Development of Ideas

Depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging ideas Depth of idea development supported by elaborate details Unelaborated idea development; and/or repetitious details Minimal idea development, limited and/or unrelated details  


Carefully and well organized Logical organization Writing is somewhat unorganized Writing is random and unorganized  

Sentence Structure

Precise and/or rich language Acceptable, effective sentence structure Simplistic and/or imprecise sentence structure Incorrect and/or ineffective wording and/or sentence structure  

Grammar and Formatting

No errors in grammar or sentence structure Few errors in grammar or sentence structure Some errors in grammar and sentence structure Many errors in grammar and format (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, headings)  


Use of references indicate good research Use of references indicate ample research Some references Few references  

Total Points




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