February 6, 2008 1 to 1 Learning
Building and sustaining a computing program does not happen overnight.
By Pamela Livingston
Shuttle commander Pam Melroy, a 1979 graduate of Bishop Kearney,
provided the connection, which allowed the students to enjoy press
privileges and work side by side with adult professional journalists
covering the event.
Empowered with laptop computers and coached by their teachers, the
students sent frequent audio, video, and blog reports to local and
national media. At the same time, they kept up with assignments in their
classes back home using their laptops, never falling behind on important
class assignments during the week they were in Houston.
This kind of self-directed learning, taking place at school or at a
distant location, supporting a project with a curricular connection, and
coached by master teachers with their own laptops, represents the best of
possibilities of one-to-one computing.
We’re at an exciting place right now in education. Literally thousands
of open-ended Web 2.0 tools are available for engaging learners and
invigorating classrooms everywhere; options for online collaboration are
increasing every day; and polls of U.S. adults say they support efforts to
use technology to better prepare our students to compete in a highly
technical global economy.
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