
The Senate is the smaller of the two houses of Congress.  The Senate has only 100 members.  These representatives are called Senators.  Each state regardless of population has two Senators.  There are currently 50 states, thus we have 100 Senators in Washington D.C.  Each Senator is elected for a six-year term.  Every two years, one third of the Senators is up for reelection.  This means 33 or 34 Senators are up for reelection every two years.  This process allows for some experienced Senators to remain in the senate during an election year.

The original Constitution allowed for each state legislature to choose their Senators.  In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution changed the selection process from chosen by the state legislature to election by the people.

To be elected a U.S. Senator, a person must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years, and live in the state he or she represents.

The Senate meetings are conducted by the Vice President of the United States.  He or she only votes in the event there is a tie between Senators.  When the Vice President is absent, the Senators select a temporary leader known as the President Pro Tempore.  The President Pro Tempore is the third in line to take over the Presidency in the event of an emergency.

The Constitution assigns the Senate and the House of Representatives equal responsibility for declaring war, maintaining the armed forces, assessing taxes, borrowing money, minting currency, regulating commerce, and making all laws necessary for the operation of the government. The Senate holds exclusive authority to advise and consent on treaties and nominations.

Complete the questions below.

The Senate has members.

To be elected a U.S. Senator, a person must be at least years old.

To be elected a U.S. Senator, a person must be a citizen of the United States for at least years.

To be elected a U.S. Senator, a person must live in the he or she represents.

Each Senator is elected for a -year term.

Every two years, one third of the Senators is up for .

The original Constitution allowed for each state to choose their Senators.

Today, Senators are elected by the .

Senate meetings are conducted by the of the United States.



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