On the night of March 5, 1770, five citizens of Boston
died when eight British soldiers fired on a large and unruly crowd.
Boston's patriots, led by Sam Adams, immediately called the shooting
the Boston Massacre. The troops had been sent to Boston in late 1768 to
support the local British government and were themselves subject to
the jurisdiction of the local courts.
In the crowd was a man named Crispus Attucks, who had
escaped from slavery when he was young and he had become a sailor.
Five colonist, including Crispus Attucks were killed and eight more were
All eight soldiers were jailed and tried for murder.
They were defended by John Adams, who later became the second President of
the United States, and acquitted on grounds of self defense. The patriots
used the trial to demonstrate that law rather than mob rule had been
maintained in Boston, and that even the hated redcoats could receive a
fair trial.
Five people, including Crispus Attucks died during the
Boston Massacre.
New York Raid.
The people shot during the Boston Massacre were shot by
British soldiers.
The soldiers were tried for murder and were all
found guilty.
The patriots used the trial to demonstrate that law
hanging had been maintained in Boston.
than crime had been
maintained in Boston.
than mob rule had been
maintained in Boston.
The Boston Massacre occurred on the night of
March 5,
March 5, 1670
March 5, 1870
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