The great state of California became a state on
September 9, 1850. It's capital is Sacramento. California
comes from a mythical Spanish island ruled by a queen called Califia that
was featured in a Spanish romance ("Las Sergas de Esplandian").
It was written by Garcia Ordonez de Montalvo in 1510 (the Spanish explorers
originally thought that California was an island).
Name of Emblem/Symbol
Eureka (I Have Found It)
The Golden State
State Bird
California Valley Quail
State Flower
Golden Poppy
State Song
"I Love You, California"
State Tree
State Flag
State Gem
State Insect
California dog-face butterfly
State Fish
Golden trout
State Rock
State Mineral
State Reptile
Desert Tortoise
Complete the questions below.
1. California became a state on September 9,
2. The state motto is
3. California comes from a mythical Spanish island ruled by
a queen called .
4. The Spanish explorers originally thought that California
was an .
5. The state mineral is
6. The state gem is .
7. The state tree is .
8. The state bird is .
9. The state nickname is .
10. The Golden Poppy is the state .
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