The great state of North Dakota
became the 39th state in the Union on
November 2, 1889. Its capital is Bismarck. Dakota was named
after what the Sioux Indians called themselves.
In the 1600's, the Cheyenne, living in earth lodges,
occupied the Cheyenne River valley. The Hidatsa moved west from
Devils Lake to the Missouri. The Sioux moved onto the plains from
the woodlands of Minnesota. In 1610, Henry Hudson claimed the Hudson
Bay watershed, which included much of eastern North Dakota for England.
LaSalle claimed the entire Mississippi River area which included the
Missouri River area in North Dakota, for France in 1862. In 1713,
England received part of the northern part of North Dakota from France.
In 1762, Spain received land claimed by LaSalle from France.
The Treaty of Paris in 1763 granted England part of the state
drained by the Mouse and the Red Rivers. In 1792, Jacques D'Englise
(Santiago Leglise) opened trade between Mandan villages and Spanish
interests from St. Louis. On November 20, 1803, Spain returned the
Missouri River watershed to France. The Louisiana Purchase
transferred the area of North Dakota drained by the Missouri River from
France to the United States on December 30, 1803.
From 1804 to 1806, an expedition led by Meriwether Lewis
and William Clark entered North Dakota and wintered near the present town
of Washburn on its way to the Pacific Coast. In 1818, all of North
Dakota became part of the Missouri Territory.
The Dakota Territory was officially organized by the
Federal government and William Jayne was appointed the first governor by
President Abraham Lincoln in 1861.
Name of Emblem/Symbol
"Liberty and union, now and forever,
one and inseparable"
Roughrider State
State Seal
State Bird
Western Meadowlark
State Flower
Wild Prairie Rose
State Song
"North Dakota Hymn"
State Tree
American Elm
State Flag
State Fish
Northern Pike
State Honorary
Nokota Breed (Horse)
State Fossil
Teredo Petrified Wood
State Grass
Western Wheatgrass
Complete the questions below.
1. North Dakota became the
39th state in the Union on November 2,
2. The state flower is the
3. The state fish is the
4. Dakota was named after the
5. The state tree is the
6. The Roughrider State is the state .
7. The state capital is .
8. "Liberty and union, now
and forever, one and inseparable" is the state .
9. The Nokota Breed is a .
10. The state song is the "."
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