
3-4 The Continent of Europe

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The continent of Europe is small compared to the other six continents of the world.  Europe is made up of many countries.  There are more than 40 different countries in Europe.  The Arctic Ocean is north of Europe.  The Atlantic Ocean is west of Europe.  Another body of water named the Mediterranean Sea is south of Europe.  East of the continent of Europe you will find the continent of Asia.  The continent south of Europe is named Africa.  Many people live on the continent of Europe.


Use the map and information above to complete the statements below.

1.  Europe is a continent.

2.  Europe is one of six continents.



3.  There are more than 40 different in Europe.

4.  North of Europe is the Ocean.

5.  The Ocean is west of Europe.

6.  Southwest of Europe is the Sea.

7.  The continent east of Europe is

North America.

South America.



8.  The continent south of Europe is

the Mediterranean Sea.


South America.


9.  Many live in Europe.

10.  The Sea is southeast of Europe.



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