A time line shows you when something took place.
Time lines may be read from left to right just like reading a book.
The oldest date will be first in the time line. Time lines may also
be read from the top down. Then the oldest date would be at the top
of the time line.
Below are some of the important events in U.S. history.
Look at the time line below and answer the questions that follow.
1. The first event in this time line is in what year?
2. In 1607, the
Colony in Virginia was settled.
3. What year did the pilgrims land at Plymouth?
4. How many years passed from the settling of
Jamestown, Virginia until the settling of Plymouth, Massachusetts?
5. The pilgrims celebrated the first
in 1621.
6. What event happened in 1775?
A. The
Pilgrims landed at Plymouth.
B. The
Pilgrims celebrated the First Thanksgiving.
C. The
Revolutionary War began.
D. The
Declaration of Independence was signed.
7. What event happened in 1776?
A. The
Revolutionary War began.
B. The
Declaration of Independence was signed.
C. The
U.S. Constitution became law.
D. The War
of 1812 began.
8. In 1789, the U.S.
became the law of the land.
9. The War of 1812 was fought against
10. The last event in this time line is in what year?
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