Maps help us tell distance between cities.
Distance means "how far." We use distance to determine how far
something is from something else. Maps show distance in miles and
kilometers. The numbers in the map below show the number of miles
between the cities. Use the map below to the determine the
distance between two cities.
Orange Numbers are Miles.
1. Distance means
"how close."
"how soon."
"how late."
"how far."
2. How far is it from Verona to
18 miles.
15 miles.
19 miles.
35 miles.
3. How far is Edgar from Harrisville?
22 miles.
18 miles.
24 miles.
28 miles.
4. How far is Leon from Good Hope?
33 miles.
36 miles.
35 miles.
30 miles.
5. How far is Morristown from San
41 miles.
43 miles.
49 miles.
46 miles.
6. How far is it from San Jose to
23 miles.
32 miles.
37 miles.
35 miles.
7. How far is it from Morristown to
69 miles.
70 miles.
72 miles.
68 miles.
8. According to the map Lexington is
____ miles from Leon.
56 miles.
55 miles.
58 miles.
48 miles.
9. If you lived in Harrisville, what
city is closer to your home?
10. How many miles would you travel
if you went from Verona to Harrisville to Morristown and back to Verona?
69 miles.
72 miles.
75 miles.
77 miles.
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