The United States has many types of climates. A climate is the
temperature, the precipitation, and the wind. Precipitation is rain, sleet,
hail, and snow. The temperature is how hot or cold the air gets
during the day and the night. Some places in the United States have
warm Summers and cold Winters. Other places in the United
States may have warm temperatures all year. The climate is different
in many places because of many things. The ocean can affect the
climate. And the mountains can affect the climate. People go
to the beach in the Summer because the climate is usually cooler than
1. A climate is the temperature, the
precipitation and the
2. Some places in the United States
have warm weather
once a month.
all year.
only in the winter.
None of the above.
3. The climate can be affected by the
ocean and the ground.
mountains and the ground.
oceans and the mountains.
All of the above.
4. Precipitation is
All of the above.
5. The temperature is
how cold or hot the air gets during the day and night.
how wet the air is during the day and night.
how windy the air is during the day and night.
None of the above.
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