You should go to the dentist every six
months. A dentist looks at your teeth to keep them healthy. He
or she will take care of your teeth and gums. The dentist has a
helper that cleans your teeth. Brushing your teeth at least two
times a day can help prevent cavities. Cavities can cause your teeth
to hurt and fall out of your mouth. The dentist will sometimes use
an x-ray to see problems in your teeth. An x-ray can see inside your
1. A dentist looks at your teeth and
keeps them
None of the above
2. Cavities cause your teeth to
look good.
hurt and fall out.
All of the above
3. A dentist has a helper that
pulls your teeth.
cleans your teeth.
colors your teeth.
All of the above
4. You should see the dentist
every two years.
every month.
every six months.
None of the above
5. The dentist will use an ________
to see problems in your teeth.
gamma ray
sun ray
sting ray
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