
6-8 Spelling Test

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1. She was a very  witness.
Definition: offering reasonable grounds for being believed
2. That plant is !
Definition: fit or safe to be eaten
3. She heard a  sound last night.
Definition: marked by or arousing horror
4. That was a  thing you did to him.
Definition: causing terror or awe
5. It was a  entry into the building.
Definition: got, made, or done by force or violence
6. That was a very  decision to go home.
Definition: possible to take in by the senses or by reason or understanding
7. The mountain can be very  on a clear day.
Definition: capable of being seen
8. Yoga can require one to be very .
Definition: capable of being bent
9. His behavior is very .
Definition: having the ability to be in a defensive position
10. He is a very  person.
Definition: easily cheated or deceived
11. Her condition makes her very  to disease.
Definition: having little resistance
12 It is  he lied to me!
Definition: being something that can be done or brought about
13. Is it  to ride a bike on the sidewalk?
Definition: allowable
14. Her credentials make her  to college.
Definition: that can be or is worthy to be admitted
15. Her handwriting is not .
Definition: capable of being read
16. Gasoline is very !
Definition: catching fire or burning easily
17. She was not  to play in the game.
Definition: qualified to be chosen
18. The quarterback called an  at the line.
Definition: heard or capable of being heard
19. Some dreams are very  while others are not!
Definition: capable of being touched
20. 8 is  by 2!
Definition: capable of being divided



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