
6-5 Spelling List

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Spelling List 6-5

6-5 Spelling Tip

The prefix mis-
The prefix mis- means incorrectly or badly.
Misbehave means behaving badly or incorrectly.
Misuse means to use incorrectly.


Words Definitions
1. misunderstand disagreement; quarrel
2. misbelieve a mistaken or false idea
3. miscast to place in an unsuitable role
4. misuse incorrect or improper use
5. misappropriate to take dishonestly for one's own use
6. misconduct improper or unlawful behavior
7. mislead to direct in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief
8. misapply to affect wrongly
9. misjudge to act upon something wrongly or unfairly
10. mislaid to be put in a place later forgotten

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