
6-4 Spelling List

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Spelling List 6-4

6-4 Spelling Tip

The prefix dis-
When you add the prefix dis- to a word, the word takes on a new meaning.   The prefix dis- means not, or the opposite of.
Disapprove means to not approve.  Disagree is the opposite of agree.


Words Definitions
1. discover to make known or visible
2. disorder to disturb the regular or normal functions of
3. disapproval the act of being against someone or something
4. disagreeable causing discomfort
5. disappear to cease to be visible
6. disadvantage a state or condition that favors someone else
7. disclaim to deny being a part of or responsible for
8. dispense to give out in shares
9. discourage to make less likely or appealing
10. disarrange the disturbing of the order of something

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