
6-35 Spelling Test

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1. Are fourteen books available ?
Definition: that place
2. favorite movie is now on video.
Definition: of or relating to them
3. going on vacation for several weeks.
Definition: they are
4. The photographer took a of the mountain.  
Definition: a design or image made on a surface (as by painting, drawing, or photography)
5. We made lemonade in a large .
Definition: a container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or spout and a handle
6. I'll remember your face.
Definition: at all times
7. I'm fifteen years old.
Definition: only a little less than
8. After taking the medicine for a week I felt .
Definition: reasonably well
9. Can you this glass for me?
Definition: to put into as much as can be held or contained
10. I like the of leather.
Definition: the sense of touch
11. The child told his father a .
Definition: to make a statement one knows to be untrue
12 She her head on his shoulder.
Definition: past and past participle of lay
13. It was down for anyone to take.
Definition: past participle of lay
14. "Just it on the table," Sean said.
Definition: past of lie
15. We got of rain over the past week.
Definition: many
16. The young child his older sister.
Definition: to strike usually with force (like a ball)
17. The tour guide we could take pictures.
Definition: past and past participle of say
18. David saw on TV last evening.
Definition: that identical male one
19. honor the king has arrived.
Definition: used before a title of honor in address
20. going shopping tomorrow?
Definition: you are



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