Spelling List 6-33

6-33 Spelling Tip

Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, and sometimes different pronunciations are called homographs.
Many times one meaning of a homograph is a noun and the other is a verb.
Many times the accent is on the first syllable in a noun and the second syllable in a verb.
Refuse is a homograph.  Refuse is a noun which means: garbage.   Refuse' is a verb which means: to not do.  


Words Definitions
1. conduct personal behavior (noun) or guide or escort (verb)
2. compact a small cosmetic case (noun) or firmly put together (verb)
3. contract a legally binding agreement between two or more parties (noun) or to make or become smaller (verb)
4. impact to have a strong effect on (noun) or a striking together of two bodies (verb)
5. protest a complaint (noun) or to declare positively (verb)
6. content  the subject matter or topics treated (as in a book) or pleased and satisfied with what one has or is (verb)
7. convict a person serving a prison sentence (noun) or to find or prove guilty (verb)
8. progress a moving toward a goal (noun) or to move forward; advance (verb)
9. project a plan or scheme to do something (noun) or to plan, figure, or estimate for the future (verb)
10. insult an act or expression showing disrespect or scorn (noun) or to treat or speak to with disrespect or scorn (verb)