
6-32 Spelling List

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Spelling List 6-32

6-32 Spelling Tip

Compound words
Two words that can be used separately, but when combined form a new word are called compound words.  The new compound word takes on a new meaning.
Headache, sunflower, and rainbow are examples of compound words.


Words Definitions
1. playground a piece of land used for games and recreation especially by children
2. waterproof covered or treated with a material to prevent penetration by liquid
3. roadrunner a long-tailed ground-dwelling bird of the southwestern U.S. that usually travels by running
4. tightwad a stingy person
5. cartwheel a sideways handspring with arms and legs extended
6. sinkhole a hollow place in which drainage collects
7. roommate one or two or more persons sharing a dwelling
8. nighttime the period from dusk to dawn
9. headache an annoying or baffling situation or problem
10. copyright the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell the contents and form of a literary, musical , or artistic work

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