
6-31 Spelling Test

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1. The hot air balloon was visible for miles.
Definition: being beyond the ordinary or expected (as in size, weight, or strength)
2. An elephant is compared to a mouse.
Definition: extraordinary in size
3. The photograph of the erupting volcano was .
Definition: hardly believable
4. Tiger Woods is an golfer.
Definition: filled with wonder
5. The violent killings in the movie were .
Definition: causing disgust
6. Eating meat is to a vegetarian.
Definition: to cause to have a strong feeling of dislike caused especially by something sickening or evil
7. Some people in other countries their government .
Definition: to feel extreme disgust for or at
8. My big brother said, "I chocolate."
Definition: strong dislike and ill will
9. Working in a bakery could be very .
Definition: teasing or tormenting by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach
10. He is a very and talented actor.
Definition: having the power or quality to please
11. The smell of popcorn at a movie is very .
Definition: attempting to attract or influence by offering what seems to be a benefit or pleasure
12 The television commercial was very .
Definition: tempting
13. The flavor was very pleasant.
Definition: savory
14. We all enjoyed the Italian food.
Definition: very pleasing to the taste
15. Some parts of the book were very .
Definition: very offensive
16. "I the idea of war," the President said.
Definition: to dislike very strongly
17. The character in the book felt and hatred toward her parents.
Definition: the act of despising
18. The detective always finds a mystery .
Definition: arousing interest or curiosity
19. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a person.
Definition: worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary
20. The surprise ending was !
Definition: striking with sudden wonder or surprise



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