Spelling List 6-31

6-31 Spelling Tip

are words which have the same, or a very similar meaning.
Sad, unhappy, and gloomy are synonyms.  All three of these words have the same, or a very similar meaning.


Words Definitions
1. gigantic being beyond the ordinary or expected (as in size, weight, or strength)
2. enormous extraordinary in size
3. fantastic hardly believable
4. amazing filled with wonder
5. repulsive causing disgust
6. disgusting to cause to have a strong feeling of dislike caused especially by something sickening or evil
7. loathe to feel extreme disgust for or at
8. hate strong dislike and ill will
9. tantalizing teasing or tormenting by or as if by presenting something desirable to the view but continually keeping it out of reach
10. attractive having the power or quality to please