Spelling List 6-3

6-3 Spelling Tip

The prefix pre
When the prefix pre- is added to a word the word takes on new meaning.   The prefix pre- means before.  If you preheat something, you heat it before.  If it is predawn, it is before dawn.


Words Definitions
1. prepaid to make payment in advance.
2. pre-college before higher learning; pre-university.
3. pre-colonial before a nation seeks to extend its power to another territory.
4. precaution care taken in advance.
5. prearrange to settle beforehand.
6. pre-atomic the time before atom bombs
7. preoccupy to hold the attention of beforehand
8. preconceived forming an opinion beforehand.
9. preempt to settle upon with the right to purchase before others.
10. prepay to make a payment in advance