
6-29 Spelling Test

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1. The fireman fought the fire.
Definition: able or likely to cause injury
2. A storm hit the east coast yesterday.
Definition: causing much suffering or loss very suddenly
3. The author will visit our school next week.
Definition: much talked about; very well known
4. Sand is very .
Definition: capable of absorbing water
5. We attended a concert last night.
Definition: causing wonder or astonishment
6. Jason is an person.
Definition: ready to take risks or to deal with the new and unknown
7. Those two states are .
Definition: very near though not in contact
8. Patricia is a person at all times.
Definition: noticeable for proper behavior and good taste
9. He was in jail because he committed a crime.
Definition: shockingly evil
10. It looks like the snake is , not poisonous.
Definition: producing no injury: harmless
11. The character in the book was portrayed as a person.
Definition: lustful
12 The seven puppies are very .
Definition: harming or intended to do harm
13. The footprints were in size.
Definition: usually large; gigantic
14. My tenth birthday was very .
Definition: very important
15. Michelle has a voice.
Definition: uttered or sounded in one unchanging tone
16. He was convicted of the crime.
Definition: intending or capable of causing bloodshed
17. The actress appeared very during rehearsal.
Definition: causing uncomfortable feelings
18. My family is very .
Definition: devoted to God or to the powers or forces believed to govern life
19. The child was to the danger.
Definition: not being conscious or aware
20. Uncle Jim is a person.
Definition: having an overly high opinion of one's importance



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