
6-26 Spelling Test

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1. I I understand fractions and decimals.
Definition: to accept as true
2. He put the into the bag with the groceries.
Definition: a written statement saying that money or goods have been received
3. Your in ghosts is interesting.
Definition: a feeling sure that someone or something exists or is true or trustworthy
4. My parents will it in the mail.
Definition: to take or get something that is given, paid, or sent
5. Can you me from this now?
Definition: to free partly or wholly from a burden or from distress
6. The needle will the cloth.
Definition: stab
7. I couldn't a friend.
Definition: mislead
8. It's difficult to that!
Definition: to form an idea of; imagine
9. The was caught with the items.
Definition: one that steals
10. When the speaks, everyone listens.
Definition: the head of a group; leader
11. A loud woke me from a deep sleep.
Definition: to utter a sharp shrill cry
12 The continued for days.
Definition: a continued attempt to get something
13. Susan tried to the golf ball from the water.
Definition: to get and bring back
14. Can you a better score?
Definition: accomplish
15. We had to to the enemy.
Definition: to give up possession of a claim or demand; surrender
16. An umbrella will you from the rain.
Definition: to cover or screen oneself for protection
17. The goat was filled with .
Definition: a person or animal who causes trouble
18. Do you the story to be true?
Definition: understand, comprehend
19. I am Uncle Bill's favorite .
Definition: a daughter of one's brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law
20. A large of fabric is required for this project.
Definition: a part cut, tore, or broken from a thing, fragment



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