
6-25 Spelling Test

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1. The letter was addressed to .
Definition: a person who occupies something
2. Do you know Mr. Meyer, the grocery ?
Definition: a buyer and seller of goods for profit
3. We have an social studies test tomorrow.
Definition: having great meaning or influence; significant
4. The had an injured left wing.
Definition: any of numerous large long-tailed brightly colored birds that are related to the domestic chicken and many of which are raised as ornamental or game birds
5. Our classroom is a  place to learn.
Definition: having or marked by pleasing manners, behavior, or appearance
6. The tusks of the are enormous.
Definition: any of a family of huge thickset nearly hairless mammals that have the snout lengthened into a trunk and two incisors in the upper jaw developed into long outward-curving pointed tusks
7. A was issued for the arrest of the thief.
Definition: to call for; require
8. A hibernating bear is .
Definition: not active but capable of becoming active; sluggish
9. Grandma gave me an antique .
Definition: something that hangs down especially as an ornament
10. My mother is an for a large business.
Definition: a person trained in the skill, system, or practice of recording the amounts of money made and spent by a person or business
11. The President has his own .
Definition: one who goes with or serves another
12 The was found innocent by the jury.
Definition: a person who is being sued or accused in a legal action
13. Matt was the winning in the contest.
Definition: a person who takes part in a competition
14. The who lives at 201 Smith is on vacation.
Definition: one who lives permanently in a place
15. Are you a with German heritage?
Definition: proceeding from an ancestor or source
16. Sam, the main character is very .
Definition: overly proud of oneself or one's own opinions
17. The was very eager to voice her opinion.
Definition: one who makes a legal expression of grief, pain, or resentment
18. Our cockatiel is a pet.
Definition: willing to please
19. The author was very .
Definition: to keep at something in spite of difficulties, opposition, or discouragement
20. A of the sunken ship was found.
Definition: a surviving usually small part



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