
6-25 Spelling List

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Spelling List 6-25

6-25 Spelling Tip

Word ending -ant
The word ending -ant can be added to a noun or an adjective.
The word ending -ant in the word occupant is a noun.
The word ending -ant in the word important is an adjective.


Words Definitions
1. occupant a person who occupies something
2. merchant a buyer and seller of goods for profit
3. important having great meaning or influence; significant
4. pheasant any of numerous large long-tailed brightly colored birds that are related to the domestic chicken and many of which are raised as ornamental or game birds
5. pleasant having or marked by pleasing manners, behavior, or appearance
6. elephant any of a family of huge thickset nearly hairless mammals that have the snout lengthened into a trunk and two incisors in the upper jaw developed into long outward-curving pointed tusks
7. warrant to call for; require
8. dormant not active but capable of becoming active; sluggish
9. pendant something that hangs down especially as an ornament
10. accountant a person trained in the skill, system, or practice of recording the amounts of money made and spent by a person or business

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