
6-23 Spelling Test

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1. The water should be at 32 degrees.
Definition: being hardened into a solid (as ice)
2. I can see the soup is on the stove.
Definition: invisible vapor being released when water reaches the boiling point
3. Harry Potter is a character.
Definition: extremely interesting or charming
4. Her dress is a   shade of green.
Definition: horribly ugly or disgusting
5. Beverly Cleary is a author.
Definition: full of variety or interest
6. It was a dark and kind of day.
Definition: lacking variety and interest
7. I tried to take a picture of the mountain range.
Definition: very great in extent, size, amount, degree, or intensity
8. The premature baby is very and weak.
Definition: little in size
9. Steve's parents are very .
Definition: permitting no avoidance or escape
10. The policeman was very with the man.
Definition: being kind and patient
11. Our class was when we heard the good news.
Definition: filled with joy or pride
12 Bill was about missing my birthday party.
Definition: saddened, discouraged
13. The movie was  and boring.
Definition: uninteresting
14. Aunt Martha is a person.
Definition: highly pleasing
15. An elephant is a mammal.
Definition: being beyond the ordinary or expected (in size, weight, or strength)
16. Cells are and difficult to see.
Definition: very small
17. Jim had a small, part in the musical.
Definition: unimportant
18. The Mid Chapter Review is very .
Definition: having great meaning or influence
19. Dad is always at an opera.
Definition: made wary and restless by being dull or monotonous
20. Are you  about your spelling grade?
Definition: having or showing strong feelings



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