
6-17 Spelling List

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Spelling List 6-17

6-17 Spelling Tip

Words ending in -ate
Words that end in -ate are usually verbs.
Hesitate, circulate, and migrate are all verbs ending in -ate.


Words Definitions
1. simulate imitate
2. migrate to move from one country, place or locality to another
3. fluctuate to move up and down or back and forth like a wave
4. emulate to try to be like or better than
5. aggravate to make angry by bothering again and again
6. circulate to move or cause to move in a circle
7. dominate to rule, govern or control
8. saturate to soak or fill with something to the point where no more can be adsorbed or dissolved
9. agitate to stir up
10. graduate to grant or receive an academic degree or diploma

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