
6-10 Spelling Test

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1. He was about where the book might be.
Definition: without a trace or sign
2. The artist began his painting on a canvas.
Definition: without a discolored spot
3. Phil's cat is a cat called a Rex.
Definition: without the slender threadlike growth from the skin of an animal
4. Mom said I sometimes act in a way.
Definition: unintelligent, silly
5. chicken breasts were on sale at the store.
Definition: having no outer or surface layer
6. Many homeless people feel .
Definition: having no expectation of good or success
7. They've been in their attempts to win the lottery.
Definition: having no success or good fortune
8. Due to my cold, everything I eat is .
Definition: lacking flavor
9. The cyclist seemed during the race.
Definition: seeming to never get weary
10. The character in the story was and shy.
Definition: without courage
11. The turtle appeared to be .
Definition: without the back, last, lower, or rear part of something
12 The crowd was , due to the score of the game.
Definition: gloomy
13. The child neglected to comb his hair.
Definition: done, made, or said without proper care
14. The family lives in their car.
Definition: having no permanent residence
15. My dentist said I should chew gum.
Definition: containing no sweet substance which is made of sucrose
16. Our new classmate is .
Definition: without a companion 
17. The fire was caused by a act.
Definition: foolish, stupid
18. They were about their decision to move to another city.
Definition: in all probability
19. Mom says that her mother is .
Definition: not growing old
20. The injured bird appeared .
Definition: being without defense



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