Spelling List 5-9
5-9 Spelling List
11. |
awning |
piece of canvas, metal, wood, or plastic spread over or before
a door, window, porch, patio, etc., for protection for the sun or rain. |
12. |
smog |
mixture of smoke and fog in the air. |
13. |
dawn |
1. beginning of day; the first light in the east.
2. beginning: Dinosaurs roamed the earth before the dawn of human life. 3. grow bright or clear in the morning. 4. grow clear to the eye or
mind. |
14. |
cause |
1. person, thing, or event that makes something happen.
2. make happen; make do; bring about. 3. reason or occasion for
action. 4. subject or movement in which many people are interested and to
which they give their support. |
15. |
applause |
1. approval shown by clapping the hands, shouting, etc.
2. approval; praise. |
16. |
clause |
1. part of a sentence having a subject and predicate.
2. a single provision of a law, treaty, or any other written agreement. |
17. |
frost |
1. tiny drops of water frozen on a surface, making a
cold white covering like ice or snow. 2. cover with frost: The window
was frosted this morning. 3. cover with something like frost: It's my
job to frost the cake. |
18. |
authority |
1. power to enforce obedience; right to command or act.
2. person or group who has such power or right. 3. source of
correct information or wise advise. 4. an expert on some subject. |
19. |
fault |
1. something that is not as it should be: Talking
too loud is my greatest fault. 2. Find fault with means find
thing wrong with something or someone. 3. a cause for blame. It is my
fault that we are late. |
20. |
autumn |
1. season of the year between summer and winter; fall.
2. of autumn; coming in autumn: autumn rains, autumn flowers. |
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