Spelling List 5-7
5-7 Spelling List
11. |
homemade |
made at home: homemade bread. |
12. |
soloist |
person who sings or plays a solo or solos. |
13. |
roam |
1. go about with no special plan or aim; wander:
roam through the fields. 2. wander over. |
14. |
groan |
1. sound made deep in the throat that expresses grief,
pain, or disapproval; deep, short moan. 2. give a groan or groans. 3.
make a deep, creaking sound. 4. express by groaning. |
15. |
homesick |
overcome by sadness because of being far away from home; ill
with longing for home. |
16. |
obey |
1. do what one is told to do. 2. follow the
orders of. 3. act in accordance with; comply with. 4. yield to the
control of. |
17. |
poetry |
1. poems. 2. art of writing poems.
3. poetic quality; poetic spirit or feeling. |
18. |
local |
1. of a place; of a certain place or places: the
local doctor, local news. 2. of just one part of the body: a local pain.
3. making all, or almost all, stops: a local train. 4.
branch or chapter of a labor union, fraternity, etc. |
19. |
follower |
1. person or thing that follows. 2. person
who follows the ideas or beliefs of another. 3. attendant; servant. |
20. |
heroic |
1. of, like, or suitable for a hero; brave, great, or
noble: the heroic deeds of our firemen. 2. of or about heroes and their
deeds. 3. unusually daring or bold. |
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