
5-7 Spelling List

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Spelling List 5-7

5-7 Spelling Tip

Long o.
The sign for long o is /LongO.gif (864 bytes)/.
Long o is spelled o in hold and sold.
Long o is spelled oa in boat and float.
Long o is spelled ow in grow and sow.


Words Definitions
1. owner one who owns.
2. flown past participle of fly.  The bird has flown.  The flag is flown on all national holidays.
3. remote 1.  far away; far off.  2. out of the way; secluded.  3.  distant.  4.  slight; faint:  I haven't the remotest ideas what you mean.
4. robot 1.  machine made in imitation of a human being; a mechanical device that does routine work in response to commands.  2.  person who acts or works in a dull, mechanical way.
5. grown 1.  arrived at full growth.  A grown person is an adult.  2.  past participle of grow.  This corn has grown very tall.
6. polite 1.  having or showing good manners; behaving properly.   2.  refined; elegant.
7. location 1. a locating or a being located:  The scouts argued about the location of the camp.  2.  position or place.  3. plot of ground marked out by boundaries; lot:  a mining location.
8. solar 1.  of the sun:  solar energy, a solar eclipse.   2.  measured or determined by the earth's motion in relation to the sun: solar time.  3.  working by means of the sun's light or heat.
9. loaf 1. bread shaped and baked as one piece.  2. anything like a loaf in shape.  3.  spend time idly; do nothing: I can loaf all day Saturday.
10. poet person who writes poetry.

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