Spelling List 5-6

5-6 Spelling Tip

Long i.
The sign for long i is /LongI.gif (862 bytes)/.
Long i is spelled i + consonant + e in site and kite.
Long i is spelled igh in fight, flight, and night.
Long i is spelled ie in pie, ai in aisle, ei in height, uy in guy, and ui in guide.


Words Definitions
1. flier 1. person or thing that flies:  That eagle is a high flier.  2.  pilot of an airplane; aviator.  3.  a very fast train, ship, bus, etc.  4.  a small handbill.
2. iceberg a large floating mass of ice.
3. sty 1. pen for pigs.  2.  any filthy place.   3.  a painful swelling on the edge of the eyelid.  A sty is a small boil.
4. frighten 1.  fill with fright; make or become afraid; scare or terrify:  thunder frightened the puppy.  2.  drive or force by terrifying:   The sudden noise frightened the deer away.
5. geyser a spring that spouts a fountain or jet of hot water and steam into the air at regular intervals.  There is a geyser in Yellowstone National Park.
6. client a person who is under the protection of a lawyer:  The client was found innocent during the trial.
7. heighten 1.  make or become higher.  2.  make or become stronger or greater; increase:  The wind whistling outside heightened the suspense of the ghost story.
8. lightning flash of light in the sky caused by a discharge of electricity between clouds, or between a cloud and the earth's surface.  The sound that it makes is thunder.
9. midnight twelve o'clock at night; the middle of the night.
10. icing frosting.