Spelling List 5-5

5-5 Spelling Tip

Long i.
The sign for long i is /LongI.gif (862 bytes)/.
Long i is spelled y in sky and guy.
Long i is spelled i in find and kind.


Words Definitions
1. mighty 1. showing strength or power; powerful; strong:  a mighty ruler, mighty force.  2. very great:  a mighty famine.  3. very:  a mighty long time
2. tribe 1. group of people united by common ancestry and customs, forming a community under a leader or leaders.  2.  class or set of people:  a tribe of hungry children.
3. myself 1. form of me or I used to make a statement stronger: I myself will go.  2.  my real or true self:  I am not myself today.
4. giant 1.  an imaginary being having human form, but larger and more powerful than a person.  2.  person or thing of great size, strength, or importance.  3.  like a giant; huge:  a giant potato.
5. typist person operating a typewriter, especially one who does typewriting as a regular occupation.
6. grinder person or thing that grinds.
7. nightmare 1.  a very distressing dream.  2.  a very distressing experience:  The hurricane was a nightmare.
8. highway 1. a public road.  2.  a main road or route.
9. gripe 1.  annoy; irritate.  2.  complain:  He was always griping about something.
10. tryout test made to determine fitness for a specific purpose: Tryouts for the swimming team will start tomorrow.