Spelling List 5-4

5-4 Spelling Tip

Long e.
The sign for long e is /LongE.gif (859 bytes)/.
Long e is spelled ei in receive and ie in believe.


Words Definitions
1. belief 1. what is held to be true or real; thing believed; opinion.  2.  acceptance as true or real.  3. confidence in any person or thing; faith; trust.  4. religious fait; creed.
2. pier 1. structure supported on columns extending into the water, used as a walk or a landing place for ships.  2. breakwater.  3. one of the solid supports on which the arches of a bridge rest; pillar.
3. achieve 1. carry out to a successful end; accomplish; do.  2.  reach by one's own efforts; get by effort.
4. pierce 1. make a hole in; bore into or through.  2. go into, go through.  3.  force a way; force away through or into:  A sharp cry pierced the air.  4.  make a way through with the eye or mind.  5.  affect sharply with some feeling.
5. believer 1.  person who believes.  2. follower of some religion.
6. achievement 1. thing achieved; some plan or action carried out with courage or unusual ability; accomplishment; feat.  2.  an achieving:  the achievement of success.
7. niece a daughter of your brother or your sister.
8. fierce 1.  savagely cruel; ferocious wild:  A wounded lion can be fierce.  2. raging; violent:  fierce anger.  3.  very eager or active:  a fierce determination to win.
9. piece 1. one of the parts into which a thing is divided or broken; bit.  2.  portion; limited part; small quantity.  3.  a single thing of a set or class. 
10. believe 1. think (something) is true or real.  2. think (somebody) tells the truth.  3. have faith; trust.  4. think; suppose.