Spelling List 5-36
5-36 Spelling List
11. |
cross-eyed |
having both eyes turned toward the nose, and unable to focus
on the same point. |
12. |
make-believe |
pretend. |
13. |
blue-collar |
of or having to do with industrial or factory work or workers. |
14. |
hand-me-down |
something handed down from one person to another, such as a
used garment. |
15. |
loose-leaf |
having pages or sheets that can be taken out and replaced: a
loose-leaf notebook. |
16. |
broad-minded |
not prejudiced or bigoted; liberal; tolerant: He tried to be
broad-minded, but did not always succeed. |
17. |
broken-down |
1. shattered; ruined: broken-down health. 2.
unfit for use: broken-down furniture. |
18. |
old-fashioned |
1. out of date in style, construction, etc.; of or
typical of an old style or time: an old-fashioned dress. 2. keeping to
old ways, ideas, etc.: The are very old-fashioned in their ideas. |
19. |
ice-cold |
cold as ice. |
20. |
hand-to-hand |
close together; at close quarters: a hand-to-hand fight. |
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